Business Growth ... a Strategy driven by Data or Emotion? Our guest speaker is Phil Pond, whose expertise lies in translating future consumer, business & design trends into high growth business strategies.
Future-thinking is an essential element of strategic planning. The world is experiencing an extended period of uncertainty and economic challenge.
What questions are you considering?
What do Professional Buyers and Consumers have in Common?
What three words should inspire all marketing, product development, service, sales presentations?
What Brand and Business values win Consumer/Customer loyalty & support? What does every business need to offer? What are expected to be the jobs of the future ... 2030?
Which view is the best one to consider your business future from?
How can you get a higher price for your product or service?
And as always at our networking events, you’ll have an opportunity to shout out about your business in a 60 second pitch. We do hope you are able to join us and 50+ businesses, as we aim to pave the way for a brighter future for you and your business.
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