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James provides a Boost for county’s business support james_saunders__fdm 2
6th February 2014
James provides a Boost for county’s business support
The owner of a fast-growing East Lancashire 3D printing business has been recruited to act as an ambassador for the county’s largest ever business support service for high-growth firms.
Two thirds of Lancashire firms planning 2014 recruitment growth_forecast_2014___news_image 2
21st January 2014
Two thirds of Lancashire firms planning 2014 recruitment
More than two thirds (68 per cent) of Lancashire business owners are expecting to create new jobs in 2014, according to our Lancashire Growth Forecast survey.
Boost launches new sector support programme sector_support_copy 2
8th January 2014
Boost launches new sector support programme
Over 200 Lancashire businesses are set to benefit from a new business support programme tailored for firms in the county’s ‘priority’ sectors.
Aerospace suppliers sought to share in £110m boost for jobs aircraft_engine 2
22nd November 2013
Aerospace suppliers sought to share in £110m boost for jobs
A programme that will raise the capability of UK aerospace suppliers and protect and create at least 5000 new jobs is seeking 40 UK companies to share in a £110 Million training and development programme.
Boost Business Lancashire signs up first 200 firms 200_1_copy 2
29th October 2013
Boost Business Lancashire signs up first 200 firms
Over 200 Lancashire businesses are on the path to growth after being signed up to Boost.
Boost gains support from county’s top entrepreneurs boost_ambassadors 2
6th September 2013
Boost gains support from county’s top entrepreneurs
Some of Lancashire’s best known entrepreneurs have thrown their weight behind the county’s largest ever business support programme aimed at growth-hungry businesses.
Online business tool launched to help early start businesses rapid_idea_evaluation_tool 2
27th August 2013
Online business tool launched to help early start businesses
Would-be Lancashire entrepreneurs are being encouraged to use a new online tool to see if their business idea has the potential to be Lancashire’s next big success story.
£7.2m Boost for business growth in Lancashire boost_launch 2
25th June 2013
£7.2m Boost for business growth in Lancashire
Lancashire’s largest ever business support programme aimed at growth-hungry businesses is now under way.
New hub to boost Lancashire business dennis_mendoros___boost_launch 2
7th January 2013
New hub to boost Lancashire business
A £7.25m scheme to help promote business growth in Lancashire has had ERDF match funding approval

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Funded by local govmt
Department for Trade and Business
Lancashire County Council

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