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Make data protection your business

GDPR 30 weeks web

Data protection regulation is set to change on 25 May this year to give people more control over their data. These laws cover how you collect, use and store people’s personal data.

Your customers, employees and other individuals need to be able to trust you to look after and use their personal data properly and safely. Knowing they can trust you is good for your business or organisation and you may risk a fine if you don’t comply. GDPR gif There’s a wide range of guidance and support available on the Information Commission’s website to help you prepare and ensure you are ready for 25 May. Your professional association or trade body will also be able to provide advice. The Information Commissioner’s Office and Government are already taking action to protect people’s data and this will continue as businesses across the country get ready for the new data protection laws.

Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Matt Hancock said: “We are strengthening the UK’s data protection laws to make them fit for the digital age by giving people more control over their own data. “There is a wealth of free help and guidance available from the Information Commissioner’s Office, and I encourage all those affected to take it up.” Make data protection your business - find out more at https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/making-data-protection-your-business/


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