In the second of a series of interviews with our Boost Business Lancashire delivery partners, we speak to Kim Ashby, ERDF programme manager at Lancaster University Management School.
Explain Boost is one sentence
A one-stop shop for business support that allows businesses to recognise their potential.
Why is Boost unique?
The people involved with Boost really understand that the business needs come first and the support that follows is suitable for that business and capable of making real change.
What can companies expect from Boost?
Information and support from the best programmes and initiatives available in Lancashire to help a business grow. Businesses that innovate grow. They sell more and employ more people. Described as the UK’s ‘Vital 6%’ these businesses will be the lifeblood of our economic future. Boost Business Lancashire will be the ‘go-to place’ for businesses that aspire to join and extend that special club.
What is Lancaster University’s mission for Boost?
Innovation and growth is risky and taking the steps to change your business needs not only the aspiration to do so, but a network of trusted, fast-moving, up-to-the-minute and deeply knowledgeable support. This is precisely the role that Lancaster University sees itself contributing to Boost. Our Lancashire Forum will provide a unique environment to foster and support innovation and growth.
Which entrepreneur do you admire and why?
I admire all entrepreneurs. Starting a business can be risky, but entrepreneurs know they have talent and passion and can make things happen. That’s why I love my role looking at how we at Lancaster University can best support them on that journey.
What makes a great growing business leader?
Someone who knows that as their business grows, their role within that business changes. You can’t be the best at everything and you need to surround yourself with people who can do the job better than you. Great business leaders are people that recognise this, give people space to do their job and trust their business in other people’s hands.
Why is Lancashire a great place to do business?
There’s a real buzz in Lancashire. It’s full of great people who care about what they do and are great at building relationships to support each other. In business this is so important, as you never know when you’re going to need some help or advice.
Find out more
The Lancashire Forum, is a growth-focused peer network and business masterclass programme delivered by Lancaster University. To apply for a place on the programme, complete our online form or call 0800 488 0057.
Kim Ashby, ERDF programme manager, Lancaster University Management School
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