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Sarah Fletcher Transformational Coaching & Training

Category: Education

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Sarah is passionate about personal development and specialises in supporting organisations to care about their people and help them grow. Research shows that happy employees are more productive and engaged, communicate better with each other and are more involved in the vision of the business. 

Creating a coaching and personal growth culture where everyone thrives increases the success of the business. Sarah has a background as a trained psychotherapist and success coach. She has worked in education for 18 years and is an NLP (neuro linguistic programming) trainer.  

Mental health and wellbeing, personal growth and supporting people to be their best in all areas of their life through coaching and training, is at the heart of Sarah's business. Her training has given Sarah extensive knowledge in leadership and self-mastery and much of my work in organisations has been focussed on teaching intrapersonal and interpersonal skills for communication, self-leadership and self-awareness, and behaviour change.

People are at the heart of any business success and in my opinion, they deserve to be given the best opportunities to thrive and express their natural talents so that everyone benefits. 

What one top tip would you give to a business owner embarking on a growth plan?  

Continue with your own personal development. Self-awareness is key in understanding how to stay motivated, how to overcome challenges, how to plan and organise your time and how to show up in your business in the best possible mindset for success. 

Why is Lancashire a great place to grow a business?    

I have lived in Lancashire all my life and it is a vibrant wonderful place. Thriving businesses support a thriving community. In my area of work, I see personal transformations enhancing people's lives in all areas, which then contributes to a wider community of individuals who collectively work together and support each other. 

Why are you backing Boost Business Lancashire?    

I had mentoring last year with Boost and it was really helpful. I have made connections and friendships that I wouldn’t have done without the support. Being in business can feel quite lonely and being involved in more networks has boosted my confidence and ultimately grown my business. I came from spending 18 years in education and the business world was very new to me.

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Funded by local govmt
Department for Trade and Business
Northern Powerhouse
Lancashire County Council

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